Opening Night! A fabulous success. I was bouncing and giggling in the audience like a daft three year old. Seeing items you've spent dozens of hours working on in the space of a week onstage is just a thrill ride.
Going into Hell Week, the final week before a show opens, for the show I've been prop designing, Zombie Prom. Here we see some amazingly talented kids heading into the play's climax. With song. Aw yeah.
And now for a secret: I adore pretty clothes and shopping for them. And pieces like this, that I'd honestly just buy because of how beautiful they are? Screw the stigma, give me the corset!
And now, time for a mini-vacation! I'm going back to my Massachusetts second home where I spent all last fall to hang out with my old friends and see a bunch of Shakespeare. As evidenced by the above tickets. Here's the spread: My favorite show, my least favorite show, and the only that always surprises me. Can't wait.
As much as I love theatre, musicals aren't usually my thing. However, seeing the closing show of the local musical theatre festival's My Fair Lady definitely is. (It's one of my favorites.)
Grilled chicken club, bebe. This sandwich actually represents a struggle between the back of house and the management at my restaurant - this is the house's chosen special of the day, and it sold enormously. The other special - peanut butter and cheese on a baguette, designed by management - did not sell so well. The ensuing tension was rather amusing.
The lovely friends, new and old, that I hung out with this past Fourth of July. Instead of seeing fireworks in the damp, awful humidity that was our holiday evening, we stayed in side and watched the Ducktales movie. AMURICA.