A goodbye note from a most awesome roommate. It's sad when things come to an end, but onwards and upwards is the only way life can move if it's going to be enjoyed. Besides, he's not escaping us for that long if I have anything to say about it...
Crispin Hard Apple Cider! One of my favorite summer drinks - light and sweet and tart and best served over ice to make a perfect refresher. (Please enjoy responsibly!)
This picture is driving home the fact that I need a new computer so I can use my proper camera again, because this phone-picture in no way does my mushroom lasagna justice.
Tonight marked the end of the run of an amazing show that I was lucky enough to play a part in. I'm going to miss it, but lord - it went out with a bang.
STRAWBERRIES. And oh, how I need to get my computer fixed so I can use my proper camera again. Because this picture in no way does them anything APPROACHING justice.
Bad: getting locked out of my car, and in a truly imbecilic fashion too. Good: having someone come pronto to break in for me so I didn't have to take to the driver's side window with a hatchet. I give you Nathan, my automotive hero.
So pictures of the result of the tart crust are forthcoming, but my computer sadly crashed and so I've been forced to using my cell's camera to take my daily photos, which did not do the tart justice. So here, have some really lovely street art instead.
This may be hard to believe, but this is a theatre. A black box theatre, actually. And it's currently my theatre. Because the show I've been directing, that I've been working on for three months or so now, is opening tonight in this space.
Play ground tire swing. Always wanted one of these in the yard when I was a kid. Finally got a proper tree swing in my early teens. I still swing on it ten years later.
To celebrate of the start of my springtime favorite month, I went out and bought a special fruit for myself. Behold, the mango. Just look at those colors. How can you not want to sink your teeth in?
Most decadent fruit ever. Just look at all that juice. Mmm.