November 30, 2010

November 30th, 2010


The holly garlands and red ribbon wreaths are going up all over the place in the little town I'm living in.  I have a feeling Christmas here is going to be fantastic.


November 29, 2010

November 29th, 2010


Back in my favorite place, the lakelet has started to freeze over.  Welcome to Winter Proper, everyone.


November 28, 2010

November 28th, 2010


Living in a high rise means no pets.  This is why we keep plants!  I give you my bebbies - Tomaty and the Gemini. 


November 27, 2010

November 27th, 2010


On an early morning walk with my beau, saw this lovely little garden gate.  In summer it was full of green ivy; now at the end of November, all the colors are almost gone.  I'm ready for Christmas.


November 26, 2010

November 26th, 2010


This is my Grandma - eighty-seven years old and still awesome.  She and my uncle came down to my folk's house to spend Thanksgiving with us.


November 25, 2010

November 25th, 2010


My role this Thanksgiving: dessert chef.  I baked a batch of cookies last night, and I was up early this morning making this pumpkin pie and caramel cake.   I love being on sweet duty!


November 24, 2010

November 24th, 2010


My Shakespeare family, or most of them at least.  These are the lovelies I've been living, working, and playing with for a good two months now.  I can't imagine my life without them.  This is all us at Orphan Thanksgiving.


November 23, 2010

November 23rd, 2010


Orphan Thanksgiving, celebrated last night with my second family.


November 22, 2010

November 22nd, 2010


The view of last night.  All these kids in the past four days performed ten Shakespeare shows with more passion and enthusiasm than any professional show I've ever seen, and they cheered each other on like they were watching the Superbowl.  It was the most amazing thing I've ever seen, and I was lucky enough to be a part of it.


November 21, 2010

November 21st, 2010


When is too early to start preparing for Christmas?  Right now, we're less than a week out from Thanksgiving and usually I'm adamant about not starting one holiday before the other one's done.  On the other hand, this house all decked out in Christmas-ware?  Made my day.


November 20, 2010

November 20th, 2010


Another holy place, this one a shrine found by the local Catholic church.  Hail Mary, full of grace.


November 19, 2010

November 19th, 2010


This church sits on the outskirts of my town on the top of a hill.  I'm in need of spiritualism right now, and I find its position and its simplicity comforting.   One day I'll even get courage to go in.


November 18, 2010

November 18th, 2010


There is a tradition building among the lovely group I've been hanging out and working with for the past two months, and that tradition is Shakespearean Burger Night.  This is my darling roommate and several of my friends at last night's SB Night, and it was one of the best times I've had with these guys.


November 17, 2010

November 17th, 2010


It's been rather miserable the past few days - the sight of blue sky, even if only for a little while, was a welcome change.


November 16, 2010

November 16th, 2010


This is my favorite brunch restaurant ever.  I go here with friends practically every week - they have delicious organic omelets and pancakes and really good coffee to boot.  Best thing about this week's visit was that it was a weekday morning, so the place was practically empty and we could sit and relax as long as we wanted.


November 15, 2010

November 15th, 2010


A very close friend and I made these wonderful cookies last night - they're sweet potato chocolate chip!


November 14, 2010

November 14th, 2010


The two lovely bottles of red wine I consumed along with a few friends last night.  Both were heady and rich and dark and gorgeous.  Went perfectly with the sad movie we were watching.


November 13, 2010

November 13th, 2010


A toy playhouse of surprising intricacy, found hidden away in a cluster of bushes in the far corner of a backyard.

November 12, 2010

November 12th, 2010


This pair of truly awesome pants were worn by my director yesterday.  Liked them so much I snapped a picture.  Now I really want a pair of my own!


November 11, 2010

November 11th, 2010


A sunlit road on a November afternoon.  I kept hearing Bilbo's voice in my head.  (The road goes ever on and on, down from the door where it began...)


November 10, 2010

November 10th, 2010


While on an afternoon walk, I startled a bobcat lurking around one of the old abandoned houses on the property where I'm staying.  He stared at me in astonishment for a few moments and I caught him just as he slinked away.


November 9, 2010

November 9th, 2010


My obsession with November weather continues.  This sleetsnow that came upon us yesterday with blustering winds and biting cold had me outside roaring King Lear to the heavens.


November 8, 2010

November 8th, 2010


Brilliant scarlet leaves in morning sunshine on a beautifully frozen morning walk.  Some of the last color on the trees around here.


November 7, 2010

November 7th, 2010


My idea of a perfect Sunday morning - a cup of hot tea and perhaps my favorite book of all time, Pride and Prejudice.  Oh Mr. Darcy, how I love you so.

Also, any P&P fans need this comic in their lives:


November 6, 2010

November 6th, 2010


At a wonderful showing of Antony and Cleopatra last night, I saw this dress out in the lobby - it's a costume from Shakespeare's Cymbeline for one of my favorite characters, Imogen.  I saw myself so easily wearing this and playing that role.


November 5, 2010

November 5th, 2010


Leftover Halloween candy.  I'm physically incapable of buying some for myself at this point in my life, but if someone leaves a few small choices pieces out of display...


November 4, 2010

November 4th, 2010


It's a cold and melancholy November day.  Glad the weather is cooperating with my mood. 
There's something satisfying about being lonely and having the rain reflect it.


November 3, 2010

November 3rd, 2010


A welcome-back card made and signed by all my wonderful friends to one of the teachers of our conservatory coming back after a recent illness.  


November 1, 2010

November 1st, 2010


It snowed yesterday on Halloween (in the middle of an amazing game of ultimate frisbee), and today the flakes lingered on the grass and were gone by noon.
